NORD Talks Art and What It Means to Him | Charting Songwriter from Oregon

NORD Talks Art and What It Means to Him | Charting Songwriter from Oregon

Today, we had the opportunity to interview upcoming rapper, artist, and songwriter NORD. This eighteen-year-old, born Carter Davis in Portland, OR, has been attributed for the writing of three RIAA Platinum Certified songs and six RIAA Gold Certified songs. In late 2021, he began publishing his own original music on streaming platforms as a start to his independent journey into the unforgiving industry of music, and gained the attention of over ten-million unique listeners in an impressively short amount of time.

Refine: Today we have Carter Davis in the studio, who is better known by the artist name NORD in the music industry. He’s a songwriter who grew up in Portland, Oregon and has worked alongside many globally renowned artists to further their careers, to much success. Thank you for your time today, NORD!

Carter (NORD): It’s my pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me.

Refine: I have a personal interest in how the style of art in which a musician resonates with and how that relates to their music writing etiquette. Can you tell me about one of your favorite artists in history, [and or] maybe a favorite piece of yours?

Carter (NORD): That’s an excellent question. I find myself resonating with a lot of different forms of art that I see day-to-day, and this definitely inspires many of my endeavors as a music artist. My favorite artist of all time is Georgia O’Keeffe. A piece from her titled Lake George Reflection gives an insight into my favorite style of visual art.

Refine: Thank you so much for sharing. This makes a lot of sense, I definitely see the same vibrant colors that make up the composition of this piece you mentioned in a lot of the song cover artwork and instrumental sample choices in your original music.

Carter (NORD): You make a great point. That’s exactly how I would describe my outlook on music. Even though you can’t see sounds, you can visualize the memories and your own creative inspiration that you recall from listening to truly wonderful music. When I’m composing or digitally producing [songs], I treat the process the same as I would treat painting on a canvas.

Refine: You answered my question beyond expectation. We really appreciate you providing this insight into your creative process as well as your time, and we wish you continued success in your songwriting and music production craft.

End of Interview

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